Photo Branding with a Catalog in an Outhouse
I am always up for some good humorous jokes, especially involving “Trailers”. Several years ago, I began to play off my last name and discovered a rich treasure trove of trailer enthusiasts, mostly of vintage trailers. Many of those folks are self-effacing trailer enthusiasts telling trailer trash jokes, true aficionados.
Illustrating “Trailer Trash” jokes is pretty unconventional branding for a visual communicator, photographer, based on conventional wisdom, but the images that come to mind relating to the jokes are memorable and very entertaining. Thinking “outside of the box” is what creative people do to get people, products and services noticed. How can I not take advantage of being blessed with a noun for a last name. (Here is another fun name, Hogshead)
This is the first of many visuals illustrating “Trailer” humor in the works.
Enjoy, comment, criticize, critic and share.
Thanks in advance.
Martin (Yep) Trailer
You know you’re Trailer Trash when;
When you get excited moving up to color in the outhouse.

New Color Catalog in the outhouse
Call today to begin investing in visual conversations.
858-549-8881 or Email Martin
Bold Branding takes thought provoking images that are born outside of the box.
-per Merriam Webster
-per Wikopedia
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Posted: May 11th, 2010 under Trailer Trash Jokes.
Tags: branding, catalog, color catalog, creative, creative thinking, humor, investing in photography, Martin Trailer, out of the box, outhouse, photo, photographic branding, photography, trailer, trailer trash, visual branding, white trailer trash, white trash
Comment from Marcimar
Time May 12, 2010 at 2:00 pm
Love it! Only wish I got to up grade maybe one day~
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Comment from john champ
Time May 12, 2010 at 11:08 am
funny, but scratchy