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Archive for 'Shooting'

Davies’ Intellectual Arithmetic

Today, September 11, 2013 is special as a day of remembrance,. RIP those that died in the  World Trade towers, the Pentagon and the field in Pennsylvania. I decided to remember my Great Grandfather today with our current vintage flavored trend and day of remembrance.  Tactile, patina, vintage “been around” look and feel.  Bob’s patina […]

The Beginning of the Daily Photo Game

The Daily Photo Game works the same way, except instead of whispered words, it is visual with photographs. My first image for official game was just posted May 4, 2013. The game will continue for one year. You can follow along by subscribing when you visit the web site, It should be an interesting journey.

Authentic Portraits – Las Vegas, NM

Whether it was the fashion, architecture, decor or people just being people in their enviroment, these street photographers were the recorders of our past, our history of the day.

Authentic Portraits – Peter

The goal of this “Authentic Portrait” is to portray a research scientist researching the SARS virus, with something tangible. Building a model representative of a polymorphic virus that causes the severe acute respiratpory syndrome (SARS), the virus was a challenge since the virus is much to small to actually see without an electron microscope.

Authentic Portraits – Martin

Our conclusion is fairly straight forward, the rods and cones in the back of the eye, in a clean representation using the sculptural piece of treatment target as a background.

Authentic Portraits – David, Stefan, Geoffrey

BackScatter Authors and discoverers of Code Red.

Authentic Portraits – Irwin

Here is a well liked CEO, Dr. Irwin Jacobs co-founder of Qualcomm using and focused on the new, at the time, “Q phone” and myself.

Authentic Portraits – Ed

This Authentic Portrait of Ed Lum was part of my personal work seeking out of vintage trailers. Ed lives in a trailer park in Monterey Park, right next to Pasadena, California.

Authentic Portraits – Red

Your pre-visualization needs to happen well in advance of the shoot time, not when your subject is there in front of the camera. Shoot time is when the photographer makes them comfortable to insure a authentic look and feel.

Authentic Portraits – Linda

hosting a grief support group for mothers who are dealing with the death of a child.