Archive for 'Test Shots'
Found Object; Alien Growth
Did it drop out of the sky when a meteor or comet flew by and then not burn up while entering the atmosphere.
Posted: October 9th, 2009 under Exploratory Shooting, Muse - Martin Trailer, Test Shots.
Tags: Alien, dirt, exploration, found, fun, growth, leathery, Mars, Martin Trailer, moon, muse, object, photography, story
Comments: 1
New York Point and Shoot at Dusk
I did this shot while in New York with a Point and Shoot camera. I met a guy once who asked what was the best P and S camera to buy. I did not understand since at the time I didn’t own a point and shoot. When I asked him what he ment, he said […]
Posted: February 3rd, 2009 under Random, Test Shots.
Tags: dusk, looking up, New York, up
Comments: none
Vintage Shave
Here is an image I shot testing with some old items I have accumulated over the years. I will add images as I shoot’em of test images. This shot to me represents the beginning of a refreshing and beautiful day. The diffused directional light and the light overall look of the shot pulls it together. […]
Posted: February 1st, 2009 under Test Shots.
Tags: fresh, razor, shaving, Test Shots
Comments: none