Archive for 'Street photography'
Alien Egg
My July 13, 2103 contribution to the Daily Photo Game. Check out the whole body of work at I watched an interview the other day and it talked about process and how some people, good smart people get too wrapped up in their process. So this time, I decided to alter my process. I […]
Posted: March 10th, 2014 under Daily Photo Game, Street photography.
Tags: Alien, alien egg, cactus, California, close-up, daily photo game, day time, green, growth, naked, Nature, USA
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Authentic Portraits – Las Vegas, NM
Whether it was the fashion, architecture, decor or people just being people in their enviroment, these street photographers were the recorders of our past, our history of the day.
Posted: August 6th, 2012 under Authentic Portrait, Lifestyle, Portrait, Random, Shooting, slice of life, Street photography.
Tags: authentic, authentic portrait, discovery photography, kids, Las Vegas, location, Martin Trailer, Martin Trailer Photography, Martin Trailer Productions, Martin Trailer. Martin Trailer Productions, New Mexico, party guys, people photography, portrait, random photography, street photography, tough guy
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