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Tag: vintage

Davies’ Intellectual Arithmetic

Today, September 11, 2013 is special as a day of remembrance,. RIP those that died in the  World Trade towers, the Pentagon and the field in Pennsylvania. I decided to remember my Great Grandfather today with our current vintage flavored trend and day of remembrance.  Tactile, patina, vintage “been around” look and feel.  Bob’s patina […]

Airstream, Metaphor

On the mend being sick since last week, but not out of the woods just yet and it is my day. to post an image. Seems we are trending greenish energy and thought of this in my library.  With my last name, it is fun to run across such metaphors and then to be able […]

Authentic Portraits – Ed

This Authentic Portrait of Ed Lum was part of my personal work seeking out of vintage trailers. Ed lives in a trailer park in Monterey Park, right next to Pasadena, California.

2nd Annual Vintage Trailer Bash, a Trailer Show

If you have ever wanted to attend a vintage anything event, go! I had the pleasure of attending the “2nd Annual Vintage Trailer Bash” this past weekend, September 23-25, 2011. This was my first time I stayed for the whole weekend, in a trailer, versus just attending the open house time typically on Saturday afternoon.

Monterrey Trailer Park, Slice of Life

Ed, livin’ the life at the Monterrey Trailer Park, Highland Park, California.

Trailer Deaths

There are vintage trailers all around the Salton Sea area, some are still in use and others are wasting away, slowly in the hot dry desert.

Visual Analogy/Metaphor/Simile

Speaking in images works for me and most likely why I am a photographer.  It is always gratifying when the “a’ha” goes off.  The a’ha is something you must experience, for I cannot express it well in words.  It is more a gut feeling. This photograph is one that was a delayed “a’ha” for me.  […]