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Red Smile

June 13, 2014 – ©2013 Martin Trailer

Playing the Daily Photo Game this was my June 13, 2014 contribution. Check out the link to see whole collection.

Following Bob Stevens who always makes the game a fun challenge providing so much to play with.

I was considering marbles, multiples of two, faces, people and the front end of cars.  I have always thought that front grilles and headlight combinations resemble faces.  I originally was thinking of stacking several “car faces” but this one got me and I couldn’t resist.

It puts a smile on my face.


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Mom’s Hands

February 8, 2014 – ©2014 Martin Trailer

For today following Bob’s cobbler’s hands image, I had one in the file that would have worked great.

Kinda of under the weather today, and thought I was good to post it and back to bed.

Had to drop by my Mom’s house and did take the camera with me looking around early this morning for possiblities.

As a photographer we use the people around us as subjects often, my Mother included.  So usually when she sees me with a camera, up in shooting position, normally her hands are palms out.

This morning the light was beautiful and I causally asked her to per her hands up like this and boom, she did it.  Like I said, normally it is go away, don’t take my picture while running away.

She is 94, lives alone, has a garden and goes for walks just about every morning.  Those hands have done so many things, including smacking me and been to so many places.  She talks about riding to school on a horse. She and those hands have been and experienced so much.  I hope I can say the same at 94. Love you Mom.

To see the whole progression of images, go to


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Forever Dreaming

Part of the published February 18, 2014 – ©2014 Martin Trailer


This is my posting to the where 10 photographers play off the preceeding image.

My question of the day, for me, was “What is the wooden skeleton sitting on the bench thinking?”

That got me going.   The guy was enjoying the view from the bench, day dreaming but did look a bit parched with the big crack in his head.

So tongue in cheek I went off to answer my calling.  Dreaming in solution forever.


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On the Wind – Daily Photo Game

June 3, 2013 - ©2013 Martin Trailer

June 3, 2013 – ©2013 Martin Trailer


This is not the same as I posted to the Daily Photo Game. This is an animated GIF which it was decided not aloud in the game.

My thoughts;

Following Bob Steven’s image of the airplane flying over gave me many opportunities to play.  The butterfly was an off shoot of another idea. Butterfly on the wind.

Check out the game at Daily Photo Game and check out and like us at Facebook our fan page, Daily Photo Game.

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Veterans Memorial – Daily Photo Game

May 24, 2013, ©2013 Martin Trailer, Soledad Mountain Memorial

May 24, 2013, ©2013 Martin Trailer, Soledad Mountain Memorial

This is my play on very close to Memorial Day, May 24, 2013.

My thoughts for the day;

Since today, May 24, 2103 is the Friday before Memorial Day, and because of Bob Stevens “Fallen Patriots” image, the first image that came to mind was the Soledad Mountain Veterans Memorial Cross. The cross, not pictured has been controversial for many years.  Built in 1950?s the as a tribute to the Korean War veterans is now a memorial to all of our fallen heros.  I used a soft focus technique since I was thinking of my father, a WW 2 veteran who passed away a little over a year ago. Rest in peace Dad.

Check out our game, the Daily Photo Game and our fan page on Facebook, Daily Photo Game.


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Clamming – Daily Photo Game

May 14, 2103 - ©2013 Martin Trailer,  Katmai National Park, Alaska

May 14, 2103 – ©2013 Martin Trailer, Katmai National Park, Alaska

I am posting this well past the original posting in the Daily Photo Game.

I selected this image of a mother Grizzly Bear and her cub clamming based on the previous shot by Bob Stevens.  The water, the beach, shell fish and the warm tones.

To see 9 other perspectives and the trends of 10 photographers following one another on a daily basis, check out and you can find us on Facebook as a Page under, Daily Photo Game.


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The Beginning of the Daily Photo Game

I am a participant of a new photography game.  It is based on the old game many of us played as kids, the game of Telephone.  Someone starts by whispering in the next person’s ear and so on.  Once the whisper gets to the end of the line, the last person says the phase they heard to the group.  It is about a single perception from one person to the next.

The Daily Photo Game works the same way, except instead of whispered words, it is visual with photographs.  My first image for official game was just posted May 4, 2013. The game will continue for one year.  You can follow along by subscribing when you visit the web site, It should be an interesting journey.

The other nine photographers are in the order of our turn posting;
Eliot Crowley, Blue Fier, Bob Stevens, Martin Trailer, Charley Akers, Jay Ahrend, Robert Nease, Russ Widstrand, Joseph Pobereskin, David Blattel

Below, I have added two images I shot the day I was to post.  Serendipity or fate, I was to follow Bob Steven’s image of a bumper sticker that said, “Gas, Grass or Ass, No one rides for free”.

Did I pick right?  Comments are appreciated.

No Free Rides 2, Not-Posted May 4, 2013, ©2013 Martin Trailer


No Free Rides, Posted May 4, 2013, ©2013 Martin Trailer

The second image here has a story.  I went out the day I was to post about 10am to just walk down the street to find my reaction to Bob Steven’s image of a bumper sticker, “Gas, Grass or Ass, No One Rides for Free”.  As I got a couple of blocks from home, I noticed many police cars across from the bank at a 7/11 store.  I looked around and there was not that much commotion, so I just kept walking several blocks.  Got to the ocean shooting along the way and headed back. Once I arrived back to the bank, some TV media people were there and so I investigated more.  I observed a couple of young women going to the bank door and then turned around and left.  I went up to the doors and started shooting once I saw the signs on the door window and the police officer inside immediately began to remove the notices.  Apparently, the robbery had just taken place, just minutes before when I walked by the first time.  The robbery per what I was told had taken a Yellow Prius Cab to the 7/11 across from the bank, walked over, robbed them, then went back to the waiting cab.  Well, the security guard at the 7/11 was watching, probably because the robber did not go into the store, and stopped him from leaving and called the police.  Robber just made it across the street with the dough.  No free ride for his weekend.

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Authentic Portraits – Las Vegas, NM

Local teen in the town square, Las Vegas, NM

I am including something unexpected, but related into the mix of Authentic Portraits, street portrait photography. The origins of street photography began over century ago, so this is nothing breakthough, just up to date and current.  Photographers like Atget, Steichen, Struss, Kertesz, Evans and so many others ( see more ) captured on film what or better how, we visually record and remember the past. Whether it was the fashion, architecture, decor or people just being people in their enviroment, these street photographers were the recorders of our past, our history of the day.

Walking around photographing unfamiliar places, stretches one abilities to “see” interesting places, people and situations, it forces you out of your comfort zone.  When walking around the familiar, so much can be taken for granted and not “seen” or noticed as easily.

Fella's hangin on the front porch, Las Vegas, NM

These are just a couple of examples catching authentic people walking around an unfamiliar neighborhood, seeking and looking. By exercising those innate senses we all have , and as a photographer, sharpening that skill of recognizing ” the shot” that makes a photograph have that extra spark of life and value.  It will just hit you and you’ll just know you have a great shot.  The more you exercise that skill, the faster you’ll recognize it in the view finder the next time.  Personal work is a photographers continuing education.  Stuff you can’t learn reading a book, looking at what others have done or listening to a lecture.  Ya gotta’ feel it, to know it.

Las Vegas, New Mexico is a quaint americana style town with the central square block of the downtown, a park where folks stroll, gather or just hang out.  It is just east of Santa Fe, NM off the I-85.

People totally unrehearsed, no casting, no propping, no clients, just people in their element, being absolutely authentic. Capturing authentic is a skill learned by doing, convincing the viewer, real, adding to the value .

Real, relaxed and Authentic.

Martin Trailer, is a commercial/advertising photographer based in Southern California, working for clients worldwide.  A working photographer for over 30 years, Martin has regularly provided thoughtfully produced photographs adding value for clients.  Starting out in the newspaper business, covering general news, events, sports of all types, often on tight deadlines and honed the skill set of pushing to end up with the nearly intangible authentic final image.  Over the years as a photographer, working in advertising, corporate, multimedia and editorial fields, consisting of autos, food, tabletop, fashion, architecture and destinations, all culminating on a focus of people and the authenticity of the person(s). Personal projects include most anything vintage themed and especially vintage trailers and there owners.  Authenticity creates added value for the client, person, product or service.  All images are registered with the US Copyright office.  See more of Martin’s work at

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Authentic Portraits – Peter

Peter Kuhn, PhD of The Scripp Reseach Institute with a model of the SARS virus. ©Martin Trailer

The goal of this “Authentic Portrait” is to portray a research scientist researching the SARS virus, with something tangible.  Building a model representative of a polymorphic virus that causes the severe acute respiratpory syndrome (SARS), the virus was a challenge since the virus is much to small to actually see without an electron microscope.

A few years back when the SARS was spreading though southern China and urban areas of Hong Kong and Toronto infecting over 8,000 people, this research group was formed shortly there after to understand this new virus which had never infected humans before.

Peter leads a multi-disiplined, multi-city group of researchers.

Endeavor Vol 8, No 2

Martin Trailer, is a commercial/advertising photographer based in Southern California, working for clients worldwide.  A working photographer for over 30 years, Martin has regularly provided thoughtfully produced photographs adding value for clients.  Starting out in the newspaper business, covering general news, events, sports of all types, often on tight deadlines and honed the skill set of pushing to end up with the nearly intangible authentic final image.  Over the years as a photographer, working in advertising, corporate, multimedia and editorial fields, consisting of autos, food, tabletop, fashion, architecture and destinations, all culminating on a focus of people and the authenticity of the person(s). Personal projects include most anything vintage themed and especially vintage trailers and there owners.  Authenticity creates added value for the client, person, product or service.  All images are registered with the US Copyright office.  See more of Martin’s work at

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Authentic Portraits – Irene (sort of)

Irene, Postal Worker, ©MartinTrailer

This “Authentic, to the creative brief, Portrait” was created for one of the smaller competitors of the Postal Service and widely used in several ways, ads, posters, mailers, etc..  The idea was to contrast the postal employees to the a private mail service in a humorous way garnering a second look. The agency of record ended up with the biggest private mail service, even though this was a controversial image.  Some felt it was insulting to the Post Office and workers, one of the clients biggest suppliers.  My studio mail carrier even commented as such, but once I explained it was all in fun, she thought it was a hoot and decided to embrace it, telling me that she knew folks like this at the post office.

I choose to post this because the substitute mailman said he had seen this everywhere.  (BTW, if you do, let me know, please) It happens to be be in the lobby of my studio when you first walk-in.

This is a derivative from the original theme, “Authentic Portraits”.  Previously, I have posted portraits of people authentically portrayed, thus “Authentic Portraits”.  However, this time authentic is true to the creative brief and not specific to the person. (although some would argue in the advertising business, as a advertising agency print buyer, Irene Hook was pretty tough)

An apropos quote passed on to me; “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” – Marcus Aurelius, Meditation

Believable, comfortable and authentic.

Martin Trailer, is a commercial/advertising photographer based in Southern California, working for clients worldwide.  A working photographer for over 30 years, Martin has regularly provided thoughtfully produced photographs adding value for clients.  Starting out in the newspaper business, covering general news, events, sports of all types, often on tight deadlines and honed the skill set of pushing to end up with the nearly intangible authentic final image.  Over the years as a photographer, working in advertising, corporate, multimedia and editorial fields, consisting of autos, food, tabletop, fashion, architecture and destinations, all culminating on a focus of people and the authenticity of the person(s). Personal projects include most anything vintage themed and especially vintage trailers and there owners.  Authenticity creates added value for the client, person, product or service.  All images are registered with the US Copyright office.  See more of Martin’s work at


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